K-On! ep 7
Day one of the rants.
I thought I’d have an easy evening of translating something quickly, followed by some relaxing time. Hell, no. The life never goes that well. It all started at work earlier today. Some big project got dropped on me. I had to stay at work late so I could finish the tasks I was planning to finish tomorrow. I got home around 7:30. That usually happens by 5:30.
Then my mother dear calls me. We talked for a while… I ranted and ranted… while transcoding K-On raw from .ts raw to avi. It’s good to have that process pretty well automated, so I don’t have to think much to do that.
Once I was done with that, and got dinner… I somehow ended up reading about 16 volumes of Ippo manga. Yeah, great way to kill the evening.
K-On! translation didn’t happen until 11:30. Finished it at 1:00. Now I’m dead tired, and I’m gonna have a long day tomorrow. Way to go, me.
Tags: K-On!, translation