Candy Boy, etc
Earlier this week, I made a plan to drive up to Kansas City for some stuff, including see my daughter in her school talent show. But the project I was assigned to yesterday at work is not allowing me to take that trip. I stayed at work until it got outside, not from the nightfall, but from thunder storm. That’s always fun. No tornado again this time.
The rest of the evening was spent doing fansub stuff: answered translation questions for K-On and Candy Boy; applied styles to Candy Boy script, worked on karaoke for Candy Boy; and released Eden of the East.
It looks like Lupin vs Conan is pretty close to being ready for release. I’ve been informed that the first release candidate will be ready tomorrow. That’s a good news. I’ve also been informed that the current translator for Sengoku Basara, ariato, is going to step down from that position. That’s a bad news. I hope we’ll find someone else soon, and not to drop the project. I’m really not fond of dropping projects. I can only hope…
Tags: Candy Boy, Eden of the East, K-On!