Monday, June 8th, 2009
I guess I played really hard yesterday. It was very tough to get up this morning, and I still needed a nap in the afternoon. But before the nap, my daughter and I went to watch Disney’s Up. That was a sweet movie. It makes me want to find Elly of my life again. And I think my daughter really liked the funny part of the movie. I hope she’s starting to catch on to the part I’m enjoying too.
It’s the day my daughter goes back to Kansas City. So I took her back there. Then, on my way back, I got pounded by a very heavy rain—so heavy that I couldn’t see where I was going for a minute. Then, when the rain was over, I almost hit a skunk. Urgh! Why do those skunks have to cross the road?! Luckily for both the skunk and my car, he slid right under my car, and didn’t get squished. Man, that’s two scary driving experience in one night.
I had to round off the evening with couple loads of laundry. I finished the translation of the latest episode of K-On! while at it. Translation log #732. Oh, I did wash yet another key chain drive today. Yup, it’s still working.
Friday, May 22nd, 2009
That’s what someone in IRC described of my day today. This week alone, I released 3 version 3s, and 9 version 2s. I hate releasing version 2, let alone any higher versions. That would give out impressions that we are just pumping out releases without care. And on my end, that’s what I did. When I was told that files were ready to go, I pushed them out without checking them. That’s the quality checkers’ job.
So, that’s got to change. I will have to come up with some kind of work flow for some quick checks of everything we release. We’ll see how that will turn out.
On the other front, I made another translation contribution – K-On! episode 8. The episode had another new insert song. Songs always give me good challenge to translate. Those are not my favorite.
Then, this week’s episode included 3 spots with Japanese word yoroshiku. Translating that one word gives me more headache than translating songs. Always. I got lazy (and frustrated from the other stuff going on) today, and I didn’t put any real, definitive translations. The team has relatively good comprehension of Japanese. With commonly used word like this, I hope the team will come up with something good.
Saturday, May 16th, 2009
Earlier this week, I made a plan to drive up to Kansas City for some stuff, including see my daughter in her school talent show. But the project I was assigned to yesterday at work is not allowing me to take that trip. I stayed at work until it got outside, not from the nightfall, but from thunder storm. That’s always fun. No tornado again this time.
The rest of the evening was spent doing fansub stuff: answered translation questions for K-On and Candy Boy; applied styles to Candy Boy script, worked on karaoke for Candy Boy; and released Eden of the East.
It looks like Lupin vs Conan is pretty close to being ready for release. I’ve been informed that the first release candidate will be ready tomorrow. That’s a good news. I’ve also been informed that the current translator for Sengoku Basara, ariato, is going to step down from that position. That’s a bad news. I hope we’ll find someone else soon, and not to drop the project. I’m really not fond of dropping projects. I can only hope…
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Day one of the rants.
I thought I’d have an easy evening of translating something quickly, followed by some relaxing time. Hell, no. The life never goes that well. It all started at work earlier today. Some big project got dropped on me. I had to stay at work late so I could finish the tasks I was planning to finish tomorrow. I got home around 7:30. That usually happens by 5:30.
Then my mother dear calls me. We talked for a while… I ranted and ranted… while transcoding K-On raw from .ts raw to avi. It’s good to have that process pretty well automated, so I don’t have to think much to do that.
Once I was done with that, and got dinner… I somehow ended up reading about 16 volumes of Ippo manga. Yeah, great way to kill the evening.
K-On! translation didn’t happen until 11:30. Finished it at 1:00. Now I’m dead tired, and I’m gonna have a long day tomorrow. Way to go, me.